Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Why a Perfect Man Could Sin

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A Conversation

Why a Perfect Man Could Sin

Betty:              Good morning Gabrielle, I am back as I promise you.
Gabrielle:         Good morning too, I am glad you are back, could you explained to me “Why a perfect man would sin.’
Betty:              Very good question! Have you tried reading the Bible about it?
Gabrielle:         No!
Betty:              Let us find out to start with, we need to have a correct Bible understanding of what is perfect? Look Gabrielle not everything called perfect is to be understood in an absolute sense. Absolute perfection belongs only to God Jehovah. Other perfections are relative, like the perfect creation of the first man Adam. We can read it at Genesis 1:27, 31
Gabrielle:         Read Genesis 1:27, 31
Betty:                          Jehovah’s pronouncement of his creations on earth including the man Adam to be very good man of all His creations “Measured up to His Perfect Standards.” Adam was created in God’s image with perfect intelligence and free will. As a perfect man, does that mean they cannot commit mistake?
Gabrielle:         I do not know
Betty:              Man was created with free will; He was given the ability to choose between right and wrong, between obedience and disobedience, to make moral decisions. Their obedience would not be automatic but they obey because they love Jehovah God. The bible say that at 1 John 5:3
Gabrielle:         Read 1 John 5:3, If God’s commandments are not burdensome why then Adam and Eve disobeyed when in fact they are perfect.
Betty:              Wise question, although perfect their physical bodies would not function perfectly if not nourish with proper food. So with the mind if feed with wrong thoughts would cause moral deterioration, unholiness according to James 1: 14.15
Gabrielle:          Read  James 1:14,15
Betty:               In the case of Eve instead of turning away from the serpent she listened with interest to what the serpent was saying that developed in her the desire to taste the fruit upon staring at the fruit the desire become stronger then fertilized so she pick one fruit eat it then gave to her husband Adam. In turn instead of Adam rejecting the offer of his wife Eve, he joined her in eating the fruit. Gabrielle what do you think was the result?
Gabrielle:         They got old, sick then eventually died.
Betty:              Can you see now the reason why perfect man and Eve sin?
Gabrielle:         Thanks a lot for clearing my thoughts now I understand why a perfect Man would sin.
Betty:              I am very glad you do understand. Gabrielle, would you like to know more on what the Bible say about our future?
Gabrielle: Yes, you can come on weeks ends.

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