Sunday, October 26, 2014

Being Accused


            I stand before this grand jury accused of a crime I was never aware. I have been scorned, laughed at, lampooned in every newspaper in town in every periodical, every sermon or speech. I have offended the delicate sensibilities of my elders, of every adult in the so –called civilized or polished society with my flair for atrocious clothes, my taste for boisterous music, my affinity for impious dances, my blasphemous profanities and bungling responsibilities in everything I do. Yes, I stand indicted to all these blunders to which I plead guilty, absolutely and irrevocably guilty.
          Ladies and gentlemen, surely I am far cry from the youth which you and Rizalhave always dreamed of being the fair hope of the fatherland. My actions have denounced me as utterly unfit to grace the halls of my school, my church and even my own home. My own body joins in the hue and cry against my incompetence, my clumsiness, my shocking inabilities. Look at me and see if I am not the symbol, of helplessness. Look at me long, long and hard and think whether I am Rizal’s idea of youth whose brows he found serene whether you my parents my countrymen and my friends like it or not I am the youth of the Twenty-first Century. I stand for the youth of the present time, I am that youth morally crippled, spiritually disarmed, a neglected bundle of fears, dreams and frustrations.
          I appeal to you all, not only for myself, but for all those who like me have been morally and spiritually crippled. I appeal for them because I am afraid they too might go the way of abandoned and neglected children. I speak for them because I know that given the same chances that Rizal had, they will prove themselves worthy of the expectations of their great hero and their parents. Let them feel the ennobling influence of the DOÑA TEODORA. Let them have the inspiring guidance that Rizal’s mother have to her son. Let them master the rudiments of arts, of science, of philosophy, of religion and of love so that they may acquire the wisdom that can dispel all fears, all doubt, all confusions. Let their own mothers be worthy of the sweet name… “Mother”. Let their own father deserves the honourable title “Father”! Let them have all those blessings and I assure that there will be no more outrageous exhibitions of bad manners, no more scandalous of bad thoughts; no more unchecked display of shameful passions, and no more malicious exercise of dare devil attitudes.
          Ladies and gentlemen, as I stand here awaiting to be convicted of all the crimes youth has been charge of , I think of the many crimes far worse than mine. And feebly ask: Why are they not here with me tonight? It is frightening to be alone……
          As I stand here pleading guilty to the charges they have hurled against me, I demand the presence of my co- partners in this crime. I demand that my own parents be summoned in this august body and stand trial with me. I demand that they may be made to answer the same questions that have ruthlessly flung before my face.
          But hear me! Give me a chance to vindicate my self. Are my parents here? No; how can they be? They have no time for me. They never took the matter of having time for me. When I needed them for guidance because my untutored mind couldn’t grasp the ways of the world, they were nowhere to be found. When I cried for their help because I lay night troubled and awake, I couldn’t find them, when I craved for their affections, nobody seemed to want me. I had nobody to turn to, what am I? Bone of their bone? Flesh of their flesh? Or just a meaningless, useless mass of nerves and muscles, terribly confused? Terribly disillusioned? I ask in all sincerity. What I have always longed for…… the protecting arms of my folks. For haven’s sake give them back to me before it is too late. Give me back my mother and bring her to my side. Give me back my father, and make him speak to me man to man. Give me back my ideals and let me not fall into the clutches of the godless.   

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Work Quote 3rd week

Better working with dignity than working with deceit, for we can be happy in doings that we do like.
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Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Why a Perfect Man Could Sin

A Conversation

Why a Perfect Man Could Sin

Betty:              Good morning Gabrielle, I am back as I promise you.
Gabrielle:         Good morning too, I am glad you are back, could you explained to me “Why a perfect man would sin.’
Betty:              Very good question! Have you tried reading the Bible about it?
Gabrielle:         No!
Betty:              Let us find out to start with, we need to have a correct Bible understanding of what is perfect? Look Gabrielle not everything called perfect is to be understood in an absolute sense. Absolute perfection belongs only to God Jehovah. Other perfections are relative, like the perfect creation of the first man Adam. We can read it at Genesis 1:27, 31
Gabrielle:         Read Genesis 1:27, 31
Betty:                          Jehovah’s pronouncement of his creations on earth including the man Adam to be very good man of all His creations “Measured up to His Perfect Standards.” Adam was created in God’s image with perfect intelligence and free will. As a perfect man, does that mean they cannot commit mistake?
Gabrielle:         I do not know
Betty:              Man was created with free will; He was given the ability to choose between right and wrong, between obedience and disobedience, to make moral decisions. Their obedience would not be automatic but they obey because they love Jehovah God. The bible say that at 1 John 5:3
Gabrielle:         Read 1 John 5:3, If God’s commandments are not burdensome why then Adam and Eve disobeyed when in fact they are perfect.
Betty:              Wise question, although perfect their physical bodies would not function perfectly if not nourish with proper food. So with the mind if feed with wrong thoughts would cause moral deterioration, unholiness according to James 1: 14.15
Gabrielle:          Read  James 1:14,15
Betty:               In the case of Eve instead of turning away from the serpent she listened with interest to what the serpent was saying that developed in her the desire to taste the fruit upon staring at the fruit the desire become stronger then fertilized so she pick one fruit eat it then gave to her husband Adam. In turn instead of Adam rejecting the offer of his wife Eve, he joined her in eating the fruit. Gabrielle what do you think was the result?
Gabrielle:         They got old, sick then eventually died.
Betty:              Can you see now the reason why perfect man and Eve sin?
Gabrielle:         Thanks a lot for clearing my thoughts now I understand why a perfect Man would sin.
Betty:              I am very glad you do understand. Gabrielle, would you like to know more on what the Bible say about our future?
Gabrielle: Yes, you can come on weeks ends.

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Sunday, October 19, 2014

Friday, October 17, 2014

Quote for the Week (Week 1)

Aim for success, not perfection. Never give up your right to be wrong, because then you will lose the ability to learn new things and move forward with your life 


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What the Bible Says About Homosexuality

What the Bible Says About Homosexuality

Some people may genuinely struggle with confusion regarding their sexual feelings. Others openly embrace alternative life-styles such as homosexuality. Still others boldly act and dress as one of the opposite sex. Some undergo sex-change operations. But what does the Bible says about Homosexuality ;  first let us define homosexuality, Homosexuality is sexual activity with a member of the same sex, no wonder here in Jude 7 we can feel  Jehovah’s intensity of anger to the Sodomites and Gomorannites, I encourage You to open the said chapter Jude 7 “ In the same manner Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities around them also gave themselves over to gross sexual immorality and pursued unnatural fleshly desires, they are placed before us as a warning example by undergoing judicial punishment of everlasting fire” punishment of everlasting fire means that  all of them are abound to eternal destruction with no resurrection hope.  Other reason  why God adamantly opposed homosexuality, is because He is the Author of the universal Law of nature. He knows our Physical, emotional, and spiritual makeup. He opposes homosexuality because, among other things it does not benefit the individual. To confirm  let us consult our Bible  here in  Romans 1:24-27 “Therefore God, in keeping with the desires of their hearts, gave them up to uncleanness, that their bodies might be dishonored among them, 25 even those who exchanged the truth of God for the lie and venerated and rendered sacred service to the creation rather than the One who created, who is blessed forever. Amen. 26 That is why God gave them up to disgraceful sexual appetites, for both their females changed the natural use of themselves into one contrary to nature; 27 and likewise even the males left the natural use of the female and became violently inflamed in their lust toward one another, males with males, working what is obscene and receiving in themselves the full recompense, which was due for their error”  Note, homosexuality is called not only “disgraceful”, “obscene,” and “not fitting” but also “contrary to nature”, because they involve sexual activity that was not intended by our Creator. Homosexual acts cannot produce cannot produce offspring. The Bible compares homosexual activity to the sexual relations that rebellious angels, who came to be known as demons, had with women before the Deluge of Noah’s day . ( Genesis 6:4, 19:4,5 ) God views both acts as unnatural.  So from the verses we read the Bible hates the act of Homosexuality but does not condemn the person. As Christians we should also hate the act but we should not be homophobic, we need to preach to all sort’s of men as what the Bible also assigned as to do so, enable for them to learn about the accurate knowledge of the truth  and hopefully they would repent   and be cleansed    in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and with the spirit of our God.

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